Our practice was founded in 2004 by med. dent. Andreas Gottschalk as a sole practice and after more than 20 years in Zermatt, thanks to the help of Dr. Arps and other colleagues, we cover practically all dental needs. We specialise in providing emergency treatment services, which are essential in a tourist destination like Zermatt. Our dental clinic is located right next to Zermatt train station and comprises two ultra-modern treatment rooms, state-of-the-art equipment, including a 3D X-ray machine and a microscope, plus a small laboratory for carrying out on-the-spot repairs.
We’re proud to be able to offer our patients a standard of dental care here in the Valais mountains that is not only comparable to what’s available in the world’s major cities, but also that bit more personal.
In our clinic, we specialise in dealing with various dental emergency situations:
We will always try to make an appointment for you on the same day, so that we help you as quickly as possible.
Does the position or color of your teeth not correspond to your expectations or do the front teeth have large, unsightly fillings?
You no longer have to put up with that today. There are many different ways to give you a beautiful smile.
Starting with new, aesthetically looking fillings, tooth whitening (bleaching) to crowns and veneers to correcting the position of the teeth with splints or fixed appliances (brackets), we can offer you all treatment options for more beautiful teeth.
Saving teeth is our goal. The days when teeth were pulled out for even the slightest reason are, thankfully, long gone. The modern methods and materials available today mean we can even treat what would previously have been deemed hopeless cases and thus avoid awkward and expensive prosthetic devices. Restoring seriously decayed teeth often requires root canal treatment, which is a particular specialism of ours. All that’s required afterwards is a tooth-coloured composite filling, the major advantage of which is that it can also be repaired.
In our view, root canal treatment is often seen as the poor relation of dental medicine, and some patients who’ve been through it have not have a good experience. Here, too, the key to success lies in using the right methods and modern techniques. Hard-to-find canal entrances can almost always be swiftly located with the microscope, while using special instruments and chemicals to completely clean out the canals virtually always works. Thus, even root canal-treated teeth can often be saved.
We’re passionate about ROOT CANAL TREATMENT!
In cases where one or more teeth are missing or cannot be saved, implants are usually the method of choice to replace them. Our oral surgeon Dr Nicolas Arps has been working with us since 2012 and performs the major oral surgery procedures. These include, in particular, the removal of impacted wisdom teeth and implants – including under difficult conditions, such as sinus lifts or jawbone augmentations. Since 2018, we’ve had access to a DVT (3D) X-ray machine, to help us plan operations.
To prevent damage to the tooth structure and surroundings (periodontium), we recommend professional cleaning at least once and preferably twice a year. As part of dental hygiene, tartar and plaque are first coloured and then removed using an ultrasonic procedure. Discolouration and soft plaque are subsequently removed using AIR-FLOW. Finally, your teeth are polished and treated with fluoride to protect them from cavities.
Zahnarzt Gottschalk AG
Bahnhofplatz 58
The dental clinic is located at Bahnhofplatz in Zermatt, opposite the baggage-claim area.
Phone: +41 27 967 80 88
WhatsApp: +41 78 231 77 46
Email: praxis@zahnaerzte-zermatt.ch
Opening hours
On weekends and public holidays we can be reached by phone for dental emergencies between 9:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. If you do not reach us personally right away, please try again later.
Your call will be registered by us and we will call you back as soon as possible.
Outside of these times, please contact the medical emergency service (telephone: 144).
We are happy to make appointments outside of opening hours, by arrangement.
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Zahnarzt Gottschalk AG
Bahnhofplatz 58
3920 Zermatt